Katrina Dalrymple

  • Cabinet Corner: January 2024

    UCC’s Cabinet meeting on January 8th focused again on the budget for 2024. Our Treasurers presented revised budget proposals and explained some details. After discussion, the members present voted unanimously to accept the proposed budget. Budget listening sessions will be held for the congregation via Zoom on Thursday January 18 at 7:00 pm and in…

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  • Conversations about Dementia and Memory Loss: February 4

    In the Fireside Room, from 11:30 am to 1 pm on Sunday, February 4. Join in this conversation led by Missoula Aging Services and Dementia Friendly Missoula, sponsored by UCC’s Community Care Ministry Team. We will be offering education about dementia as well as information about resources available in our community. This is a journey…

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  • Coffee at the Preschool: January 14

    Stop by UCCC Preschool downstairs on January 14th following church service for some coffee and pastries! We would love to show you our classrooms and all of the wonderful projects our students have been working on. Open enrollment starts soon, so this is also a great time to see what makes this sweet little school…

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  • News From Children’s Ministry: January 4, 2024

    We need Church School Volunteers for the January February and March quarter! There are 2 slots for each Sunday in case 1 volunteer is not able to make it. Having an additional adult will also help us be able to offer break-out groups according to ages. Sign up here:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050C4CA8A82FA0FD0-44829481-church The Day of Epiphany (Jan 6th)…

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  • End of the Year Thank You!

    Thank you to the angels who swooped in after the Advent 4 service Christmas Eve morning to change all the sanctuary and foyer decor from blue to the colors of Christmas IN RECORD TIME. Your gifts of time and talent were invaluable:  Amelia Tallman, Bob Heffner, Nancy Marmot, Jennifer Copley, Judith Holloway, Brad Herron, Terri…

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  • Sunday, January 14th:  Martin Luther King Jr. Day themed worship with the MLK Day community choir singing at worship and Pastor Dexter Royes from the Missoula Black Collective guest preaching. Also, Sunday, January 14th after church, 11:30-1pm:  a community lunch and panel discussion with the draft title:  The Delusion of White Superiority and its Impacts on our…

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  • Communion Sunday

    Communion Sunday

    Communion at UCC is shared at an open table, available to all.  It is Christ who is the host and we are merely the facilitators of this holy, welcome-to-all meal.  We want you to know that we take utmost care to prepare the elements so as many of you as possible can partake.  In the…

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  • New 2024 Budget Items

    Stop Sending Money (to the Conference) One of the new features of the 2024 budget is to include the church’s offering to the Montana-Northern Wyoming Conference as part of our regular budget.  For the last five years, the church has sent a reduced contribution to the Conference office.  We asked church individuals to make a…

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  • Bring on the Glass!

    Bring on the Glass!

    A new line item in our 2024 budget is the Green Team.  The Green Team committee has been included in the Justice and Witness line item in the past.  This year we are giving them their line and budget.  The Cabinet recognizes the wonderful work they do and wants them to be able to budget…

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