Katrina Dalrymple

  • Call for Materials! We need your help!

    The Worship and Spiritual Life Team is collecting materials for several congregational-wide projects as we begin Lent.  Please help us collect the following in the next few weeks: We will have boxes in the narthex to receive your items! Thank you very much.  If you have questions, please contact Jean W. or the church office.

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  • Into the Wilderness: Lenten Small Groups February 19 – March 21

    This Lent, join with an intentional small group, reading and practicing together with the resource Walking in the Wilderness: Seeking God during Lent by Beth Richardson.  Groups will be offered throughout the week, at various times, both in person and online, but we ask you to join and stay with one group throughout the season.…

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  • “Into the Wilderness” – Lent 2024

    What do you think of when you hear the word “wilderness”?  Do you imagine Jesus spending 40 days in the wilderness, confronting temptation or the Israelites, wandering the desert for forty years? Do you recall times where you were in a personal wilderness of uncertainty, disconnection or grief? Does the state of the world seem…

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  • UCC and Family Promise February 4-10

    All UCC members are invited to help out with the next Family Promise rotation at the Meadowlark Family Housing Center. We are looking for kitchen helpers, donations of salads, fruits and desserts in addition to donations of gas and gift cards. Please click on the sign up link below:For more information, contact Sue F. or…

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  • Youth Kickoff 2024!

    Youth Kickoff 2024!

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  • News From Children’s Ministry: January 18, 2024

    Hi Everyone, In Church School the kids are having fun putting their liturgical wheel calendars and work binders which will contain prayers, story cards, artwork, and photos to document our learning and time together. Over the coming weeks, we will begin our session singing some well-known spirituals and discuss how these songs were first sung…

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  • The Green Team has been looking into ways our congregation might assist low income home owners lower their utility bills this winter. When we reached out to Habitat their Volunteer Coordinator told us they were looking for volunteers to assist rehabbing a home where they were removing and replacing a roof on the 18th and…

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  • Sanctuary Stewards needed!

    Sanctuary Stewards needed!

    Do you have an hour to spare to tidy and replenish the sanctuary between services? This is a task you can do on your time and involves straightening hymnals, refilling pew cards, envelopes and pencils, recycling papers, and putting in the lost and found items left behind. Training provided! If interested, please contact Jean W…

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  • News From Children’s Ministry! (January 11 2024)

    VOLUNTEERS are needed for Church School this quarter. Please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050C4CA8A82FA0FD0-44829481-church This Sunday we will remember and honor the great civil rights leader Martin Luther King Junior with a book, songs, activity, and conversation. We will adorn our branch for the “season after Epiphany.” Words and themes include: magi, stars, new beginnings, North…

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  • CONNECTIONS: with Janice Springer on Zoomexplore the connections in our lives—- We will use poetry to lead us into discussion as we explore the blessings and the challenges of these connections. We will meet from 6:30pm to 7:45pm Mountain Time on Thursdays, February 8, 15, and 22. We will gather via Zoom; You’ll get a…

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