News From Children’s Ministry! (January 11 2024)

VOLUNTEERS are needed for Church School this quarter. Please sign up here:

This Sunday we will remember and honor the great civil rights leader Martin Luther King Junior with a book, songs, activity, and conversation. We will adorn our branch for the “season after Epiphany.” Words and themes include: magi, stars, new beginnings, North Star, freedom, courage, and more. Our young friends will be invited to play with a sensory bin star search as well as explore the weekly playdoh activity. We will end with movement and play outside. We would love to have you and you children join!

Thank you to Paige for organizing our ice-skating event on Sunday. It was so much fun to skate and laugh and drink hot chocolate with our UCC friends.

REMINDER and UPDATE: We love having parents and caregivers join us for Church School. As part of our UCC safe church policy, (if you haven’t already) we ask that all adults who plan to join us fill out a background check application. Please contact the church office for details!