
Church School

UCC Missoula offers Sunday School for pre-K, K-3rd, and 4th-5th graders as part of every Sunday morning during the school year.  Children join adults in the sanctuary for worship starting at 10:00am and after a special children’s time, off they go to Sunday School with their grown-up to sign them in.

Youth Ministry 

We have an active youth group and in April 2024, will welcome our new Director of Youth Ministry, Ashley Ostheimer. We currently have a confirmation class series of youth who meet with Pastor John to explore their faith.

UCCC Preschool

In our UCC facility, there is also a wonderful Preschool.  For information, follow this link to the UCCC Preschool page to  

UCC Missoula’s Safe Church guidelines help protect the safety of the children and youth in our care.  Therefore, we do not post or reproduce images of people under the age of 18 on any of our social media platforms, publications, or streamed services or events.