Katrina Dalrymple

  • Fall 2022: Homecoming

    Fall 2022: Homecoming

    Our Fall 2022 theme, chosen by the Worship & Spiritual Life team and Bridge Pastor Courtney Arntzen, was “Homecoming. ” Questions asked included: We asked the congregation to create fabric panels using scrap and salvaged materials, which we stitched together to form the sides and roof of a wooden-framed house. The house sat in the…

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  • From members of the UCC Truth and Healing around Colonization Group: Over the past two years we have been educating ourselves on issues related to our country’s colonization and our Indigenous neighbors.  This has included book groups, guest speakers, trips to the CSKT Tribal headquarters in Pablo, discussion. For example, we have discussed several articles about Land…

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  • Family Promise Report Card!

    Family Promise Report Card!

    February 6th, 6:30pm – 8:00 pm at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 202 Brooks St, Missoula MT. Hear about what we have done this last year, what we are planning to do in 2024, and enjoy our time together! Stacy Pollard from Family Promise National will be joining us! All are welcome! RSVP with QR code…

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  • Into the Wilderness: Lenten Wednesdays

    Join us for a simple supper at 5:30 pm in the Fireside Room, followed by a half-hour service at 6:15 pm in the Sanctuary for the Wednesdays of Lent: February 21, February 28, March 6, and March 13. The service will consist of music, chants, silence, prayers of the community, and some readings. The chants…

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  • Into the Wilderness: Art Blog

    Into the Wilderness: Art Blog

    This is where we’ll share our creative reflections on wilderness. Some prompts to get you started: What does the phrase “into the wilderness” bring to mind? We’d love to see or read your journey. If you need more ideas to get started, you could choose one of the prompts below:”  – a time when you’ve…

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  • Fat Tuesday on Sunday

    Our church’s Congregational Connections team invites you to join them in a chocolate feast and celebration on Sunday, February 11th after church in the Fireside Room.  We will be providing the beverages and a chocolate fountain with various items for dipping. Fat Tuesday is the last celebration before entering the Lenten season for reflection and possibly…

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  • The Missoula Food Bank plans to assemble 6,000 EmPower Packs on Wednesday, February 14th, 4:30 – 6:30 PM with close to 100 volunteers. The MFB&CC provides close to 1,300 EmPower Packs each week to kids in our community who have been identified as needing additional nutrition for the weekend.  Each pack is $6 worth of food,…

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  • News From Children’s Ministry: January 25, 2024

    Hello Everyone. This Sunday we will continue where we left off in our story of the life of Jesus, after his baptism. Jesus is tested in the wilderness, begins his ministry, and calls his disciples. In Church School, we will become familiar with some of the disciples, and play some games to learn about them.…

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  •  High School Sunday January 28th, 2024This Sunday high schoolers are invited to come hang out in the Youth Room!  Coffee and snacks will be provided, activities and group discussion! Let’s dream about 2024 and what that looks like for us! There will also be a prize give away for anyone who can answer this question:…

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  • Are you interested in making sure our online worship is as engaging and invitational as our in-person worship?  We are looking for individuals to help discern ideas and offer suggestions to make our online presence better.  You do not have to be a ‘techie’ to participate!  Please contact Katrina D. or Kirk R. or the…

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