Katrina Dalrymple

  • The Monday small group offering, co-led by Kirk Reid and Jean Woessner, will be at 6:30 pm, on Zoom.

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  • Did you know Lent starts on Wednesday, February 14th, which also happens to be Valentine’s Day?  February 11th is the Sunday before that.  It sounds like a great time to collectively indulge in some serious chocolate and other decadent desserts.  Bring a chocolate (or other) dessert to share after church.  No signups for this one – just…

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  • Community Care Ministry (CCM)

    The UCC Community Care Ministry shows care by note writing, phone calls, meal trains, hospital, home and senior center visits, and an abundance of kindness. We invite you to please share with us when you are in the hospital, experiencing life’s challenges, reaching a joyous milestone, or celebrating happy occasions. When we know, we can…

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  • News From Children’s Ministry: February 1, 2024

    Let’s enjoy eating fresh bread together as we reflect on the story of the Loaves and the Fishes. This is such a beautiful and rich story in the Bible to ponder. How does it feel to be fed and to feed others? We know there are people in our own community and throughout the world…

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  • We are planning to share a meal on Ash Wednesday (Feb. 14) before the service. We’re having soup, bread and fruit/veggies. If you would like to contribute a crock pot of your delicious soup, a loaf of bread or a tray of fruit and/or veggies, please email or text Susan C. or contact the church…

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  • Middle School Sunday  February 4th, 2024Canned Food Kick-off!  We will walk around the church neighborhood and put fliers on people’s doors to collect canned food items in the coming weeks. Bring your coats and snow boots for the weather!  Afterwards, we will come back for a hot cocoa bar and snacks to talk about how…

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  • Five Gatherings on Wilderness, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, in the Fireside Room February 18: Wilderness Prayer Vases and Poetry, a hands-on project to use during Lent, for all ages! Vases will be led by Jean Woessner and Poetry by Peggy Meinholtz. Participants are asked to please bring 1.5 to 3-inch smooth river rocks and…

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  • February 4 – February 18: Youth-led canned good drive, Middle School February 14: Youth are invited to attend the Ash Wednesday service March 3: Joint High School and Middle School outing March 24: Campfire and conversation for all youth (Middle School and High School) Our Church School children will be exploring finger labyrinths, among other…

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  • Into the Wilderness: Walk the journey of Holy Week 2024 with UCC

    Sunday, March 24: Palm Sunday Palm Sunday worship at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary and online. Thursday, March 28: Maundy Thursday At 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room: dinner with Holy Communion. Please sign up to attend the dinner, which is a simple but served meal. At 7:15 pm in the Sanctuary: Tenebrae service. Tenebrae…

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  • Into the Wilderness: Ash Wednesday February 14, 2024

    Enjoy a shared dinner (provided by the Congregational Connections ACT) and conversation with our congregation and the students at Emmaus Campus Ministry at 5:30 pm in the Fireside Room, followed by worship at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary and online. With this service, we begin the season of Lent. We come to this service naming our…

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