Katrina Dalrymple

  • News From Children’s Ministry: February 15 2024

    As in past years, this week the children will hide an “Alleluia” banner after our Children’s Time, since we don’t say the word Alleluia from now until Easter. For children, Lent is simply a time to get ready for Easter (what does this mean, and feel like?). In Church School, we will tell the story…

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  • Two weeks ago was the UCC canned food drive kick-off,  and the middle school youth had a great time passing out fliers and bags around the church neighborhood. This Sunday the youth are going to be picking up the canned food from the neighborhood!! Afterwards, we will come back and make small individual heart shaped…

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  • Dear Friends at UCC, Are you interested in patient, persistent and strategic advocacy that can create long term change in Montana? Truth to Power is a group of Montanans who have been advocating in the Montana State Legislature for the past two sessions. We speak to public policy from the perspective of conscience and convictions,…

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  • UCC & Family Promise Thank You

    UCC & Family Promise Thank You

    Thank you to all who helped with the Family Promise rotation this week.  We served 25 families dinner each night, donated salads, fruits and desserts, gift cards and gas cards!  We read to kids on Monday, baked Valentine cookies on Thursday, manned the front desk from 8-10pm each night and helped in so many other…

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  • On Saturday, February 17, the Séliš-Ql̓ispé Cultural Committee is presenting Winter Storytelling at Travelers’ Rest State Park at 11:00 AM.  Some members of the Truth & Healing Around Colonization Group will be attending this event and we invite others to join us.   If you are interested in forming a carpool, please send your name and information…

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  • Prayer Vases and Poetry

    Prayer Vases and Poetry

    Please plan to stay after church on February 18, 11:20 – 12:45, for a Lenten kick-off activity in the Fireside Room. We will create Lenten Prayer Vases – a great activity for families OR individuals – and work with poet Peggy Meinholtz to create some wilderness poetry. Both activities will be guided, with the Prayer…

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  • Call for Wilderness Art

    Call for Wilderness Art

    Artists, photographers, writers! We’re inviting your participation in the Into the Wilderness theme throughout the Lenten Season. Youare invited to engage in the wilderness theme by submitting photos, art pieces, or writing.Please read more about this in the Lenten brochure or here: https://uccmissoula.org/2024/01/into-the-wilderness-art-blog

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  • Lenten Small Groups Begin Soon!

    Lenten Small Groups Begin Soon!

    Why join a small group? Here is what one participant had to say: “Being in small groups, with the emphasis on sharing our own experience and listening to what others share, lets me get to know people in ways marked by trust and openness. Having a time set aside each week to open my soul…

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  • Into the Wilderness … in Prayer

    Silent prayer and the contemplative arts can be a wonderful avenue into one’s inner wilderness.  If you’d like to join the Thursday contemplative prayer group online during this Lenten season, please get in touch (jwoessner@bigsky.net) and we will send you the sign-on information.  We meet over Zoom at 7 to 8 am every Thursday morning.

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  • Thank you from Sylvia

    Thank you from Sylvia

    Many thanks to everyone who donated Christmas stocking items for Sylvia (of Sylvia’s Store) to fill Christmas stockings for the Flathead Reservation Community.  Thank you also to the drivers who delivered everything to Pablo.  Sylvia sent us this card expressing her appreciation.  

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