Lenten Small Groups Begin Soon!

Why join a small group? Here is what one participant had to say: “Being in small groups, with the emphasis on sharing our own experience and listening to what others share, lets me get to know people in ways marked by trust and openness. Having a time set aside each week to open my soul up and let it delight in the presence of these other souls is a such gift. The small groups … allow a depth of conversation and transformative connection which is difficult to find in larger group experiences.”

Walking in the Wilderness: Seeking God during Lent - A small group experience
2024 Lenten Small Groups

This Lent, join with an intentional small group, reading and practicing together with the resource Walking in the Wilderness: Seeking God during Lent by Beth Richardson.  Groups will meet at these times, beginning Feb. 19: Monday 6:30 pm online (NEW time), Tuesday 6:30 pm online, Wednesday 10:30 am in person and online.

We suggest you order the book soon and recommend Amazon or The Upper Room as your store. For more information and to register for a small group, visit https://uccmissoula.breezechms.com/form/767cae.