Youth Announcements: February 15 2024

Two weeks ago was the UCC canned food drive kick-off,  and the middle school youth had a great time passing out fliers and bags around the church neighborhood. This Sunday the youth are going to be picking up the canned food from the neighborhood!!

Afterwards, we will come back and make small individual heart shaped pizzas, and create valentine’s for people in our church who can’t get out. Doing something for others in the church also adds something to someone else’s joy during this time of LENT.

Due to the time concerns with picking up food, we will be starting youth group at 1115 and ending at 130, so that we can fit in the other fun activities. However, there is no obligation to stay for all of it. If your youth wants to come for part of the time that is okay too! 

Volunteer Sign-up
If you have a passion for youth and want to come hang out on a Sunday, sign up to bring food or anything else click this link!!As-Ntyw9wFDsoxgx84dX9cc9FPFL?e=vpJLdX

*All youth volunteers/including parents will have to have a background check or already have one on file with Megan. Otherwise, you will need to fill one out.  If you have questions feel free to email Julienne:

Youth Committee
We are forming a Youth Committee! If you are interested in joining the Youth Committee, please sign-up on this link.!As-Ntyw9wFDsoxbvPadSdpoG8BCh?e=YdnaMh
 It would be awesome to get a mixture of youth, parents, mentors, and anyone else who has an interest in supporting the youth at UCC!