“Into the Wilderness” – Lent 2024

What do you think of when you hear the word “wilderness”?  Do you imagine Jesus spending 40 days in the wilderness, confronting temptation or the Israelites, wandering the desert for forty years? Do you recall times where you were in a personal wilderness of uncertainty, disconnection or grief? Does the state of the world seem like a wilderness to you? Or what about the wilderness more local to us… the Bob Marshall Wilderness or any of the wild places within reach of Missoula, or beyond.  What all of these things have in common:  moments of solitude, risk, wonder, and opportunity for transformation. 

This Lent, we invite you INTO THE WILDERNESS as opportunity to both explore your inner wilderness, alone and/or with others, deepen your relationship with the Holy, and consider how wilderness calls us into self-giving love and working for justice in our world. Please join in the many options listed below.

Please join us for Small Groups, Mid-Week Dinners and Worship, After-Sunday-Service Gatherings, and Invitations to engage in art, photography and writing.  We will have special Youth events during Lent and our Church School children will be exploring finger labyrinths, among other “wilderness” adventures.    

You can download the “Lent 2024 at UCC: into the wilderness” pamphlet here