Katrina Dalrymple

  • *Please note: This is a very specific list.  Please bring items from this list only.  Sylvia has limited space and has already collected some items (ie, pencils, pens, markers).  Pictures are to help explain what an item is; items do not need to be these same brands/colors.  If you have any questions, please contact Robin…

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  • Wilderness Prayer   Help me walk away from the hub bub of, beeping, ringing and buzzing of washer, microwave and car, of electronic voices telling me what to do when to do it.   Iet walk into the calm of,               Streaming water teasing song from rippling pebbles and grounded stone.    Nuthatch’s “me beeping,…

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  • This Sunday the high school youth are going to make pizzas and have some discussion around wilderness experiences!  We will meet in the youth group room down in the preschool wing at 11:15am and end at 1pm.   Family Bowling: Sunday March 10th @ 4pm.  We have 5 lanes already reserved and can reserve more, but need to know…

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  • News From Children’s Ministry (March 7, 2024)

    Let’s talk about praying, this fourth Sunday of Lent! What is praying? How can we pray? What different kind of prayers are there? Prayer can be part of literally everything we do, and -though it can- it doesn’t have to look like kneeling on the ground with eyes closed and palms together. In the story…

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  • Lorraine Carlson from First United Methodist Church is seeking assistance with the following event, as well as with their ongoing Saturday sack lunch making sessions. Homeless Connect, now called Project Community Connect, will be held this year at the Missoula Public Library from 10:00 to 3:00 on March 27.  They have asked First United Methodist Church…

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  • The Truth and Healing around Colonization Group will meet on Thursday, March 7 at 1:30 to plan a couple of spring events for the UCC congregation that will help us to live into the words we say in our People and Land Acknowledgement.

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  • From Rabbi Mark Kula

    Shalom UCC Friends, With joy and sadness, I share that my family and I will be moving to Boulder Colorado this coming summer.  My wife Coreen has accepted the position of Director of Choirs at CU Boulder beginning next academic year, leading one of the premier conducting programs in the country and I am proud…

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    On February 14th we noticed that the furnace which heats our sanctuary was not working.  A visit from Garden City Heating the next day discovered that the motor on the 22-year-old furnace had stopped functioning.  It could be replaced for a cost of $1500.  But the repairman advised against that since other components of the system…

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  • Welcome Our New Community Outreach and Small Groups Coordinator!

    Greetings!  I am Brad Herron, and I am excited to be recently hired as your Community Outreach and Small Groups Coordinator.  I am a 25-year member of UCC Missoula and actually was on staff for several years as the Coordinator of Faith Development about 20 years ago.  After that, I returned to graduate school and…

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  • News From Children’s Ministry: February 29, 2024

    Hello Everyone, and happy March! These “Lenten” days are indeed getting longer: though we have plenty of cold and snowy days ahead, it isn’t too early to begin noticing signs of Spring (buttercups! Birds!). This Sunday, we share another Moses story, “The Burning Bush.” We will wonder together: why does God ask Moses to take…

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