Thursday mornings at 7:00 am on Zoom

“We, too, are called to become like Christ.
We are called to be transparent, so that the light of the God can shine through us.” ~ Beatrice Bruteau
Thursday Morning Contemplative Prayer Group
Our God calls us to love, to seek justice, to be peacemakers, to care for all creation. None of this outer action happens without inner transformation and support. One place where inner change happens is your heart and one pathway to that change is contemplative or centering prayer*. The contemplative/centering prayer group meets every Thursday morning, 7-8 am, over Zoom. What do we do there?
We sit in silence, for about 25 minutes. Some of us practice Centering Prayer, some use other forms of silent meditation. All forms are welcome, but if you need some guidance in a meditation practice, we are happy to help. We hear inspiration from writers and poets whose words are open-hearted, encouraging and sometimes challenging. We listen, in the silence, to small parts of scripture**, listening for how it applies to our own lives. We share ‘prayers of the people’ and hold all prayers not only in confidence but also before God. The whole session lasts until about 8 AM, but it’s easy to slip out after the silent meditation if one needs to. This group has been meeting continuously since 2000; it is open to all and we would love to have you join us.
To join the group via Zoom, please contact Jean W. for meeting information, or call/email the church office.
More Information
*Prayer of the Heart, ‘Centering Prayer’, ‘Christian Mediation’ are all forms of silent prayer, prayer beyond concepts, a way of opening to communion with God, and more, an ongoing practice of awareness of God’s transforming presence in all of life. In our group, you are welcome to engage whatever silent practice is comfortable for you.
** Lectio Divina (Latin words for “divine reading”) is a prayerful reading of the scripture in order to allow it to become part of one’s life. In lectio divina, we let go of our “agenda” to hear what God might be saying to us. Lectio divina is a movement toward a deep listening to the living movement of the Holy within one’s heart.