• News from Children’s Ministry: November 23, 2023

    This Sunday, November 26th is the prayer, healing, and peace service. There will be no Children’s Time, but we will have a short Church School session (after connection minute). We will rejoin the main service so kids can participate in stations alongside their grown-ups.

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  • Youth Activities

    Hello UCC Youth & Friends, This Sunday, all confirmation youth will meet with Pastor John immediately following worship. The youth have a lot of fun service oriented activities coming up through the holiday season. We will be hosting a cookie table at the Advent Festival, sponsoring a coffee hour for the congregation, and wrapping up…

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  • Solar Panels

    Solar Panels

    At long last, 52 solar panels have been installed at UCC and were connected to NWE last week. The installation was successfully inspected earlier this week and will be activated in the near future. When the project is on the air it should offset 95% of our electrical usage. The UCC Green Team wants to…

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  • During this season of gratitude, we are continuing our relationship with and support of Sylvia’s Store in Pablo. Sylvia runs an amazing social service organization out of a very small space across from the CSKT Tribal Complex. Last fall UCC members helped Sylvia fill backpacks for students who rely on her store for school supplies.…

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  • Family Promise Giving Tree

    Family Promise Giving Tree

    UCC has committed to providing gifts to 3 families from Family Promise. You will find a tree in the coffee area. Check out the tags and see how you can help. Everything from diapers to clothes to groceries or gift cards will help make a family’s Christmas merry and bright. Directions will be provided.

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  • This position works in partnership with the area coordinating teams, committees, and staff of UCC Missoula to help organize and market small group ministries, education opportunities, community events, community service projects, and advocacy opportunities. This position will also serve as a bridge between the congregation and its external community partners which may include Family Promise,…

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  • COVID 19 note from the UCC Covid Team

    It’s fall and as we move inside for more activities, Montana and Missoula County are seeing an upsurge in the number of COVID cases. Please test yourself if you have exposure or experience any of the COVID symptoms. If positive the CDC recommends that you isolate for five days after onset of symptoms and notify…

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  • T-Shirts are Here!!!

    … And they look awesome!  If you ordered a t-shirt, please plan to pick it up starting this Sunday after church.  If you have not yet paid, please bring $13 per shirt in the form of check or cash.  Alternatively, you can pay online.  We will try to bring them most Sundays over the next…

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  • It’s Time for Generosity

    Because of YOU, our church changes lives!  You should have received a letter from our moderator, giving great examples of how our church community supported big things making big impacts like our new solar panels.  Brad H. was our first generosity speaker last Sunday, and he talked about the importance of being generous with our…

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  • Advent Wednesdays Soup Suppers – Soup Makers Needed!

    We are seeking soup preparers for our simple soup suppers in December (December 6, 13, 20).   We’ll gather for a simple supper at 5:30 PM, and follow with the Holden Evening Prayer service. We’ll be done by 7 PM.  Sign Up here to bring soup or help with clean up in the kitchen. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0B4EA5AE2DAA8-46165533-advent

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