
  • Cabinet Corner: January 2024

    UCC’s Cabinet meeting on January 8th focused again on the budget for 2024. Our Treasurers presented revised budget proposals and explained some details. After discussion, the members present voted unanimously to accept the proposed budget. Budget listening sessions will be held for the congregation via Zoom on Thursday January 18 at 7:00 pm and in…

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  • New 2024 Budget Items

    Stop Sending Money (to the Conference) One of the new features of the 2024 budget is to include the church’s offering to the Montana-Northern Wyoming Conference as part of our regular budget.  For the last five years, the church has sent a reduced contribution to the Conference office.  We asked church individuals to make a…

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  • Ahead of our Annual Congregational Meeting on January 28th where congregation members will vote on the proposed 2024 budget, we have two options for our 2024 Budget Listening Session. You can join this meeting on Zoom the evening of Thursday January 18th or meet in person on Sunday January 21st, immediately after 10 am worship.…

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  • It’s Time for Generosity

    Because of YOU, our church changes lives!  You should have received a letter from our moderator, giving great examples of how our church community supported big things making big impacts like our new solar panels.  Brad H. was our first generosity speaker last Sunday, and he talked about the importance of being generous with our…

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