Youth Ministry

Our Youth want someone to listen to them and to walk with them as they journey to find their strong voices of faith. Faith is complicated, and we don’t pretend to have all the answers. We hope young people experience UCC as a place of acceptance of new ideas, uncertainty, and doubt.

Check out the calendar of events for our youth programs and activities.  UCC Youth typically meets after worship on Sundays. Please contact the church office for the most up-to-date schedule.

Ashley Ostheimer joined our Youth Ministry as Director in April 2024.

UCC Missoula’s Safe Church guidelines help protect the safety of the children and youth in our care.  Therefore, we do not post or reproduce images of people under the age of 18 on any of our social media platforms, publications, or streamed services or events.

News from Youth Ministry:

Youth Ministry is part of the Faith Development Area Coordinating Team.