Worship and Spiritual Life is an Area Coordinating Team (ACT) at UCC Missoula. The Worship and Spiritual Life team promotes spiritual formation through worship, workshops, small groups and retreats and creates a welcoming atmosphere for visitors and newcomers.
- Worship
- With Pastor, chooses Worship/Seasonal Themes
- Recruits and trains liturgists
- Recruits and trains communion servers
- Creates arts and seasonal installations in Sanctuary/Foyer
- Helps Plan/Offer Special Services
- Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Easter and others (Taize, Healing)
- Helps Plan/Offer Retreats and Workshops
- Day retreats and workshops as well as those held off-site
- Small groups especially during seasons of Advent and Lent
This is a great opportunity for people who like to explore things theologically or spiritually, help themselves and others to ‘go deeper’ spiritually, enable others to participate in one of the vital parts of the church, express themselves creatively, and see results almost weekly.
We meet, depending on pastoral needs, about four – five times a year to plan worship. We meet more frequently prior to hosting a retreat, workshop or planning small groups.
Visionaries meet to plan and install liturgical paraments per season (Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Ordinary Time, Recovenanting, Harvest/Generosity)
News and Updates from Worship and Spiritual Life
Wilderness Art Blog: Poems by Peggy Meinholtz
Wilderness Prayer Help me walk away from the hub bub of, beeping, ringing and buzzing of washer, microwave and car, of electronic voices telling me what to do when to do it. Iet walk into the calm of, Streaming water teasing song from rippling pebbles and grounded stone. Nuthatch’s “me beeping,…
Into The Wilderness Art Blog
How do your fellow congregants interpret wilderness? Check out their poems, psalms and photos here: https://uccmissoula.org/2024/01/into-the-wilderness-art-blog. If you would like to participate artistically in the Into the Wilderness theme throughout the Lenten Season, please submit photos, art pieces, or writing. Send writing to Katrina Dalrymple, katrina.dalry@gmail.com and photos to Jean Woessner, jwoessner@bigsky.net. For guidelines, please…
Wilderness Art Blog: Poem by Beth Taylor-Wilson
Beth says “Here is a poem I wrote when I was a student, titled ‘Alpine Twilight.’ I did a lot of hiking and climbing when I lived in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. One particular evening, while camping in the national forest near Grand Teton National Park, the sunset was spectacular, and when full night arrived, there…