Congregational Connections
Did you know Lent starts on Wednesday, February 14th, which also happens to be Valentine’s Day? February 11th is the Sunday before that. It sounds like a great time to collectively indulge in some serious chocolate and other decadent desserts. Bring a chocolate (or other) dessert to share after church. No signups for this one – just…
Enjoy a shared dinner (provided by the Congregational Connections ACT) and conversation with our congregation and the students at Emmaus Campus Ministry at 5:30 pm in the Fireside Room, followed by worship at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary and online. With this service, we begin the season of Lent. We come to this service naming our…
Our church’s Congregational Connections team invites you to join them in a chocolate feast and celebration on Sunday, February 11th after church in the Fireside Room. We will be providing the beverages and a chocolate fountain with various items for dipping. Fat Tuesday is the last celebration before entering the Lenten season for reflection and possibly…
Can you smile? Say hello? Carry on a conversation? Make others comfortable? If so, you are a people person, and we need you! We are formalizing a new group called the Welcome Team. Like the usher corps, the Welcome Team will rotate Sundays to be a greeter – sometimes the first face a visitor sees…