Children’s Ministry
Let’s talk about praying, this fourth Sunday of Lent! What is praying? How can we pray? What different kind of prayers are there? Prayer can be part of literally everything we do, and -though it can- it doesn’t have to look like kneeling on the ground with eyes closed and palms together. In the story…
Hello Everyone, and happy March! These “Lenten” days are indeed getting longer: though we have plenty of cold and snowy days ahead, it isn’t too early to begin noticing signs of Spring (buttercups! Birds!). This Sunday, we share another Moses story, “The Burning Bush.” We will wonder together: why does God ask Moses to take…
As in past years, this week the children will hide an “Alleluia” banner after our Children’s Time, since we don’t say the word Alleluia from now until Easter. For children, Lent is simply a time to get ready for Easter (what does this mean, and feel like?). In Church School, we will tell the story…
Let’s enjoy eating fresh bread together as we reflect on the story of the Loaves and the Fishes. This is such a beautiful and rich story in the Bible to ponder. How does it feel to be fed and to feed others? We know there are people in our own community and throughout the world…
Hello Everyone. This Sunday we will continue where we left off in our story of the life of Jesus, after his baptism. Jesus is tested in the wilderness, begins his ministry, and calls his disciples. In Church School, we will become familiar with some of the disciples, and play some games to learn about them.…
Hi Everyone, In Church School the kids are having fun putting their liturgical wheel calendars and work binders which will contain prayers, story cards, artwork, and photos to document our learning and time together. Over the coming weeks, we will begin our session singing some well-known spirituals and discuss how these songs were first sung…
VOLUNTEERS are needed for Church School this quarter. Please sign up here: This Sunday we will remember and honor the great civil rights leader Martin Luther King Junior with a book, songs, activity, and conversation. We will adorn our branch for the “season after Epiphany.” Words and themes include: magi, stars, new beginnings, North…
We need Church School Volunteers for the January February and March quarter! There are 2 slots for each Sunday in case 1 volunteer is not able to make it. Having an additional adult will also help us be able to offer break-out groups according to ages. Sign up here: The Day of Epiphany (Jan 6th)…
Thank you to all who helped make our Pageant such a wonderful event! A big thank you to Robin and Kevin, as well as Anne, for the (much needed!) musical support. Thank you to the volunteers who helped with the Pageant -practices, performance- and brought treats to share. And above all thank you to our…
Hear ye, hear ye! In centuries past, a “pageant” was a platform with wheels that would roll into town and serve as a stage for a play – and though times have changed, the day has come to get our UCC Children’s Christmas pageant rolling. Our pageant will take place this Sunday, December 17th, during the…