Truth and Healing around Colonization Group

The Truth and Healing around Colonization group is proposing an experiment. After two years of reading, research, and discussion, we have composed a different Land Acknowledgement—A People and Land Acknowledgement–and are inviting the UCC congregation to try living into this acknowledgement together over the next few months. In Pastor John’s words from his January 21st Sermon, to make space for it, engaging in reflection and conversation around it.  For example, in the pews you will find slips of paper on which you might share responses to it; or, you might talk with one of us during coffee; and on Feb 11, we hold a listening session at 11:30 in the sanctuary to share impressions.

In the interest of truth and healing, we the people of University Congregational Church acknowledge that our church is built on lands taken from Séliš and Ql̓ispé people. They cherished and cared for this land as their home, a place for trade, raising families, sharing their stories, as well as for ceremonial purposes. Having witnessed the historical and ongoing harm done by colonization to Indigenous lifeways, cultures, and the land, we want to learn from the original stewards of this place. We commit ourselves to being allies and taking action to work toward a more just and equitable future.

News and Updates from the Truth and Healing around Colonization group:

  • Small Surprises: A Christmas Stocking Gift Drive for Sylvia’s Store (CSKT)

    During this season of gratitude, we are continuing our relationship with and support of Sylvia’s Store in Pablo. Sylvia runs an amazing social service organization out of a very small space across from the CSKT Tribal Complex. Last fall UCC members helped Sylvia fill backpacks for students who rely on her store for school supplies.…

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The Truth and Healing around Colonization group is part of the Justice and Witness Area Coordinating Team (ACT).